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Throughout a woman's pregnancy her blood increases in volume from 40 to 60%, progressively. This increased blood volume can cause feeling of her face, neck, and other parts of her anatomy to feel hot. This increased blood volume can also put pressure on the sinuses. This, along with hormonal changes, is the major reason why women have headaches during her early pregnancy. Also, it is commonly know that a woman's bbt, though low-grade, will increase at the onset of pregnancy. However, these same symptoms could be a sign of many other causes. You could be experiencing an allergic reaction to a host of things. It is also possible you do have an infection in your body. I would suggest if you are experiencing them for a couple of weeks, and your menses has been missed, you take a pregnancy test to determine if you are in fact pregnant. If you are not, you may need to seek medical attention for some other ailments resulting in your symptoms. Take care, and all the best...

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Q: Could a person in the first couple weeks of pregnancy feel a very hot face and neck almost like a sinus cold is coming on with an increased body temperature up to 98.8 or so?
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