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your dentist tells your parents because your dentist cares about and wants your parents to know. So they can make sure that you stop smoking

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14y ago

Its possible, Although most of the time you can only tell by your lungs.

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14y ago

I'm sure they can smell it..

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Q: Can a dentist tell if you have been smoking cigarettes?
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Can a dentist tell if you smoke rarely?

no. But regular smoking will stain your teeth and deteriorate your lungs.

Can you get in trouble if you tell your doctor you smoke cigarettes if you're 17?

Unlikely. Smoking at 17 is hardly a hanging offence !

Can a Dentist tell your age?

yes,if you first tell the dentist

Is there a test to see if you smkoke cigarettes?

Yep. Nicotine will show up in a tox screen. Also your dentist can tell by looking at your gums and teeth no matter how much yo brush them.

Can a dentist tell if you have been smoking cigarretes?

they probably can, but they won't say anything to you

How much were cigarettes in 1986?

about 1.00 to $1.50 2.0$$ was considered a huge price

How long does it take to get cigarettes out of your system?

100 yearsHow long do you have to stop smoking before a drug, blood, or urine test cannot detect any compound except nicotine? Can a blood or urine test tell the difference between chewing the gum and smoking a cigarette (i.e. the other chemicals in cigarettes"?

Can I tell customers not to buy cigarettes?

You should not tell your customers not to buy cigarettes, then they would not shop at your store.

How do you tell when your boyfriend lies about smoking skoal?

Say him that u know all about him and you will leave him soon. And say him if he promise to leave those bad habits. U will not tell anybody about him. and you can always tell if your boyfriend is smoking pot or cigarettes two easy ways... one, when or if you kiss him, it will taste smokey and a slightly sweet taste, or you can smell his clothes, they will also have this distinct smell.

What are the cons of peer pressure?

Just because some group of people believe that some particular activity is a good thing to do, does not in any way guarantee that it is. For example, it has often been noted that many people start smoking cigarettes because of peer pressure. Smoking cigarettes is a really bad idea. So in essence, there is the risk that your peers might be very foolish. It is always better to figure things our for yourself, rather than to depend upon others to tell you what you should think or do.

If your underage and you smoke can tell dentist tell?

Yes, the dentist can tell. Smoking yellows the teeth, you have bad breath, and smell of smoke. Smokers don't realize how much they smell, but a nonsmoker can smell the smoke on clothing and other items. I would get homework in from my students who lived around smokers and the papers would smell. Quit now before you damage your body further and loose dates because you smell.

Can dentist tell that you have smoked?

yes they can.