

Can you eat yogurt while on period?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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Q: Can you eat yogurt while on period?
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Can you eat activia yogurt while pregnant?

No, do not eat activia yogurt while pregnant. Just eat the other kind of yogurt.

Can you eat yogurt while taking metronidazole?

No, Metronidazole is for bacterial infections.

Can you eat chocalate while on your period?

You can eat anything while on your period! Don't worry about it !

What type of yogurt is healthy for me to eat while dieting?

yogurt is fine to eat on diets in moderation. try to stay away from yogurts that add sugar. Any other yogurt is fine with no preference to which is best. yogurt in moderation can be helpful to get your calcium in your diet

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Can olde English bulldogs eat yogurt?

Yes, olde English bulldogs can eat yogurt as long as they aren't allergic. In fact, many breeders actually throw about a teaspoon of it into their puppies kibble daily. Yogurt can also be helpful to dogs that have been on an extended period of antibiotics.

Is it okay to eat yogurt if you have cough?

You are not suppose to eat yogurt when have cough

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Can rats eat vanilla yogurt?

if they can eat out of a trash can their whole life, they can eat vanilla yogurt.

What can you do to avoid or cure diarrhea before your period?

Eat alot of sour stuff and fish oil. Also don't eat any sweets, only yogurt.

How often do sugar gliders eat yogurt?

As often as you feed it to them. They don't eat yogurt in the wild.

How do you eat frozen yogurt with out having a brain freeze?

You should eat the frozen yogurt slowly.