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Well, technically, no. There are not parental controls on Facebook. But your parents could get a Facebook and look at your profile or your child would give his/her parents there password and the parents can go on secretly and look at your wall. :) I'm glad if I helped anyone who was concerned :)

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I don't believe so but there are many privacy settings you can adjust.

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Parental Controlls are enabled by going into your aplications and chooseing "Parental Cotrolls" ;Then you are required to enter the masters password into the parental controlls before modifiying it. If you don't have access to parental controlls that means you have to log in as the master (or parent) and then open parental controlls. The master user on the computer who set up the controlls should be able to access parental controlls and access or modify it in any way.

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They have to have you be a member and have a parental controll account then you go to my account after signing in click enable parental controlls (or sign in to parental controlls)and click enable chat.But you have to be over 13.(or use your parents age)

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Can you put parental controls on a Facebook page?

Yes you can. As long as you get the correct software for your type of comouter, it should be no problem.

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How do you set the parent controls on Facebook?

If you want parent controlls on face book you gotta make sure the email address is the parents (optional) or go to settings an press privacy you should see the parent control and press it and make sure the parent has a Facebook so every message goes to their email.

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Good luck jonantan

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Nerve impulses from your brain.