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Q: Why do most plants have female and male parts present in there flower?
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Are blue berry plants female or male?

Fruit will only divelop from female parts of the flower but many plants can be both male and female.

Can A Flower Mate?

Flowers mate by passing pollen from flower to flower.

Is a corn flower a complete or incomplete flower?

A complete flower has sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils. An incomplete flower is missing some of those parts. Some plants have separate male plants and female plants such as ginko.

Is a gladolia flower complete or incomplete?

Gladiolus is a complete flower. The flowers have both male and female parts. There are no separate flowers for male and female. There are no separate male and female plants for gladiolus.

The ovary in a flower is found at the base of the?

The ovary of the flower is found at the base of the flower. In the flowering plants, the ovary is one of the parts of the female reproductive organ.

What is a flower containing both male and female parts called?

Monoecious plants have both sexes on the same plant.Dioecious plants have separate male and female flowers on separate plants

What are the parts of the plant where the female and male gametes are located?

The female gamete is present in the ovary of a flower and the male gametes are present in the anthers.

What are the reproductive parts of plants?

the main part of a female part of a flower is the ovarya female plant has a pistaland a male plant has a stamin

What is the group called - of plants that reproduce sexual but do not have both male and female parts on the flower?

Ferns--they do not have flowers.

Which structure primarily function in plant reproduction?

Flowering plants (Angiosperms) - The flower Flowering plants (Gymnosperms) - Male and female cones Non-flowering plants (Ferns) - Sporangia Non-flowering plants (Mosses) - archegonia (female) and antheridia (male)

How are male and female pumpkin flowers different?

The pumpkin flower has both male and female parts...this is called monoecious (one house). Other plants have separate male and female plants dioecious (two houses).

Is all flowers are having carple and petals?

The carple is the female parts of the flower. Some flowers have both male and female parts. Other plants have separate male flowers and female flowerd. On some plants such as pointsettia what looks like petals are really colored leaves.