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== == Sweating is your body's way of cooling itself off. And everyone has a different sweating pattern. How much you sweat is affected by gender, genetics, age, fitness level, and environment. Humans can have between 2 and 4 million sweat glands - it all depends on what you're born with. The more you have, the more you'll sweat. Women tend to sweat less because they are better able to regulate the amount of water they're losing. They also begin to sweat at higher temperatures compared to men. Fit people sweat more efficiently by sweating sooner in their workout, when their body temperature is lower. However, a sedentary person doing the same intensity workout as a fit one will get hot a lot faster and possibly will sweat more. Overweight people sweat more profusely than normal weight individuals because fat acts as an insulator that raises their core temperature.

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12y ago

Heavier people sweat more because it takes more energy to move around if you weigh more and as you use energy and exercise you get hotter and naturally sweat more to cool you down.

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Does Higher humidity makes you sweat more?

Yes. You perspire to lose heat- from the evaporation of the sweat. In high humidity, sweat evaporates poorly, so you sweat more (because you are cooled less).

Is it true that if you sweat easier you're in better shape?

Sweating easier or more freely does not necessarily mean you are in better shape than someone who doesn't. Everyone has a different sweating pattern. How much you sweat is affected by gender, genetics, age, fitness level, and environment. Humans can have between 2 and 4 million sweat glands - it all depends on what you're born with. The more you have, the more you'll sweat. Women tend to sweat less because they are better able to regulate the amount of water they're losing. They also begin to sweat at higher temperatures compared to men.

Do men sweat different depending on their age?

Well the younger generation will sweat cause their genetic makeup allows them to now if you have sports mined people will sweat to running will cause a great amount of sweat but as we get older or bodies change we sweat less

Can too much fat make you not sweat?

No, you still sweat, more than you would sweat if you were in better shape

Why do some people do not sweat?

everyone sweats, some people just not as much as others. Some people sweat so little that you don't notice. This can be dangerous. How much you sweat is affected by gender, genetics, age, fitness level, and environment. .... and No, all overweight people do not sweat more than skinny people. it really depends on the person! (: hope this helps!!

Will Vaseline make you sweat more?

i thought it made u sweat less. ):

Why does the palm have more sweat glands than the forearm?

yes, the palm has more sweat glands than the forearm

Does the body stop sweating as you age?

No - we continue to sweat throughout our lives.

Why do sweat and oil glands get more active during puberty?

why do the sweat and oil glands get more active during puberty

Why palm of hand sweat more?

because the palm of your hands have more sweat glands than other places on your body

Why do we sweat more in humidity?

It is actually not a matter of sweating more but of it being more difficult to evaporate the sweat. If you are in a dry and windy place it is very simple for sweat to evaporate, in a more humid area there is more water in the air already and therefore makes evaporation of the sweat much more difficult. Then it would appear that you sweat more because you are seeing the sweat, however it is a matter of evaporation.