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Rf value changes with every experiences..... it depends on what was your solvant, the room température, the chromatograph you used..... that's why you wont find Rf tables in organic chemistry books

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The Rf value for aspirin is 1.25/1.48 equals 0.84. For ibuprofen, the Rf value is 1.32/1.48 equals 0.89, and for acetaminophen, the Rf value is 1.07/1.48 equals 0.72. Rf stands for retardation factor.

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Q: What is the RF value for aspirin using TLC?
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Will acetaminophen or ibuprofen have a higher Rf if you carry out a TLC separation of on a silica gel using a non-polar developing solvent?

Acetaminophen will have Rf value of about 0.4 and ibuprofen will have Rf value of about 0.6 if the non polar solvent used is ethanol.

What are the Rf values for pure aspirin and salicylic acid With workings shown so i can understand thank you?

The Retardation Factor (RF) value of aspirin is 0.56. The RF value of salicyclic acid is 0.654. Although workings cannot be shown here, a more detailed explanation can be found on the RSC website.

What is the RF value for paracetamol?

That depends on many factors including the elution solvent used, the type of TLC plate used, etc.. When using .5% of acetic acid in ethyl acetate as your elution solvent and on a plastic backed plate, the Rf-value should be around 79.82%

What are the TLC Rf values influencing factors?

Response Details:1) factor that affects the Rf value of TLC is the polarity of the solvent. If the solvent is too polar all of the compounds can run right up the plate resulting in poor separation.2) The RF value is used to established the identity of the spots of TLC plate.3) The RF value is ratio of the distance the solvent travels to the distance compound travels.4) The factors can affect RF values. The absorbent uniformity on the thin layer plate, same concentration(spotting is too weak or strong), room temperature during the mobile phase and development distance of the solvent during the mobile phase can all affect the results.5) Multiple solvent system are necessory when utilizing TLC for identification purposes.Response Details:1) factor that affects the Rf value of TLC is the polarity of the solvent. If the solvent is too polar all of the compounds can run right up the plate resulting in poor separation.2) The RF value is used to established the identity of the spots of TLC plate.3) The RF value is ratio of the distance the solvent travels to the distance compound travels.4) The factors can affect RF values. The absorbent uniformity on the thin layer plate, same concentration(spotting is too weak or strong), room temperature during the mobile phase and development distance of the solvent during the mobile phase can all affect the results.5) Multiple solvent system are necessory when utilizing TLC for identification purposes.

What is the Rf value of salicylamide?

It will depend on the solvent system you are using.

Arrange the following compounds in order of increasing Rf values in TLC Anthracene benzil tryphenylmethanol?

The order of increasing RF values in TLC is Benzil, methanol anthracene and tryphenyl.

A compound has a very high Rf value in a polar solvent what can you say about its molecular structure?

Rf Value - It tells you the affinity that the compound has to the solvent...High Rf = little or no polar groups and low Rf = more polar groups. Question: In TLC (thin-layer chromatography) when the compound has a high Rf the solvent is: a. less polar b. Is more polar Answer: a. less polar

What pigment has Rf value 0.66?

my preliminary aspirin synthesis result, although it is impure. however this is common. but no idea what is actually is!

What is solvent for benzil to develop TLC and Rf?

50:50 ethyl acetate and petroleum ether gives an rf value of about 0.6.You are supposed to dissolve the compound in any volatile solvent like methylene chloride or acetone.

An experiment was performed in lab that was supposed to produce aspirin. How could chromatography be used to tell if aspirin was actually the product of the reaction?

i would recommend using high performance liquid chromatography or the common thin layer chromatography using a spot of the sample and a spot of dissolved aspirin to compare the Rf-value or relative retention times of the 2 spots to determine if you have aspirin

What is Rf value of o-nitroaniline?

The Rf value will vary some depending on the exact conditions. Using a silica plate and a moderately polar solvent (dichloromethane or a mixture of toluene/ethyl acetate) you will get an Rf of 0.4-0.5.

Why is that the centre of the spot is considered when calculating Rf values for TLC?

outside are jus impurities