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Converging plates come together. They converge together. Diverging plates come apart.

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12y ago
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8y ago

At a convergent plate boundary, two tectonic plates are moving toward each other; at a divergent plate boundary, two tectonic plates are moving away from each other.

The diverging boundary is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.

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11y ago

A convergent plate (or destructive plate) margin is where two plates move towards eachother. If the two plates are continental (land), then fold mountains will be formed. If they are both oceanic (ocean), then the older and denser plate will subduct beneath the lighter and younger plate. If there is one continental and one oceanic plate, then the oceanic plate will ALWAYS subduct beneath the continental plate.

A divergent plate (constructive) margin on the other hand is where two plates move away from each other. At these boundaries mid oceanic ridges are often formed, apart from in East Africa, where there is the only over land rift valley.

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13y ago

A convergent plate collide with each other (eg. Eurasian Plate n Indo Australian Plate) but a divergent plate spread apart (eg. American n Eurasian Plate).

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8y ago

Convergent means where plates are moving together. Divergent means where plates are moving apart.

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11y ago

In covergent boundaries two plate come towards each other and the one which is more denser will sink below another.

In divergent boundaries plates move away from each other

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9y ago

In the simplest terms, plates at a convergent boundary are coming together, while at a divergent boundary they are moving apart.

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12y ago

A convergent plate boundarie is where two plates collide or push against each other. a divergent plate boundarie is where two plates drag away from each other i hope this helped

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15y ago

Converging tectonic plates are moving together or toward each other. Diverging plates are moving apart.

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