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Elvis died of complications/disease of his heart.

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14y ago

No, Elvis had taken drugs, they soon caught up to him. He died in his bathroom

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12y ago

No. He died from heart failure which was; generic and the cause of the death of his beloved Mother (Gladys) and several family members on her side of the family.

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Q: Did Elvis die from severe constipation?
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Did Elvis Presley die in the bathtub?

No, he died on the toilet doing a poo. He had constipation and one of his veins burst when on the toilet.

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he died on the toilet because of severe constapation

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first, you will experience severe constipation, then you will have diarrhea. it will hurt. then your veins will explode causing you to die

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severe or obstrucive constipation

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Constipation can cause a fever if severe. If you have a fever and constipation, contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Can constipation cause a fever?

Constipation can cause a fever if severe. If you have a fever and constipation, contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

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Severe constipation in one

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they give you aids, herpies and severe constipation.

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What did Elvis die in?

Elvis died in a bathroom.

How much did Elvis earn in 2008?

Elvis died in 1977, at the age of 42, as a result of a severe Heart Attack.