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Advances in technology and the increase in the use of electricity in the United States facilitated the growth of business in the late 1800s. Because of this, many business owners could allow their business to grow into corporations. Notable inventions in the late 1800s include the telephone, diesel engine, and the zipper.

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9y ago
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9y ago
  1. corporations can find a lot of money
  2. corporations wont die even if the founder quit
  3. corporations limit risk to investors
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12y ago

incorporation laws: allowed companies to become corporations and issue stock without charters from the legislature.

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11y ago

Their stockholders provided capital to build factories and buy equipment

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Q: What factors allowed corporations to develop in the US in the late 1800s?
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In the late 1800s the US government became increasingly concerned about the lack of competition in certain industries as large corporations and trusts were formed In 1890 Congress pass?

to prevent monopolies by big corporations or trusts :) yay for study island!