on a piano it is c,e,f#,a,g down the keboard /piano e,c, a, g#,g#,g#, a ,g#,g#,g# a,back up b# ,c,c,c.
The Simpson's main theme plays: C-E-F#-A-G-E-C-G-F#-F#-F#-G
The tune rises for the first 4 notes, then from the Ggoes down to the G an octave lower. Three fast F#'s and back to the G.
I don't know but you can go on the official FOX website and go to The Simpsons site,go to characters,find Lisa's bio and there will be a little Saxophone with keys you click and you can play the song. sorry im no help!
F, Am, B, C S Sharp, E Flat
The first two notes of the Simpsons theme song form a tritone, also known as a minor fifth. The third note is a half step (minor second) higher than the second note, thus resolving to a major fifth.
im not sure butt i know the start is C F A C A A A A A B
as many as you want! its variatos *vary* for exp.. retrograde... means playing the tune backwards..
Super Mario is a very well known video game theme song. You could easily find the piano notes for this tune online.
F, Am, B, C S Sharp, E Flat
Hmm, you should go to sheetzbox.com.
The main melody for "The Big Bang Theory" theme song is in the key of D Major and includes the notes D, F#, G, A. The specific arrangement and chords may vary depending on the version you are referencing, but these notes can help you get started playing the theme on piano.
The first two notes of the Simpsons theme song form a tritone, also known as a minor fifth. The third note is a half step (minor second) higher than the second note, thus resolving to a major fifth.
Yes, it was an original theme written specifically written for the program.
Yes, there are.
Danananannananana batman!
The Simpsons theme tune is a really good orchestra piece.