ResultCodeExtrasBeep BeepUU3VSCCoin/Stud MagnetEGSM5BDisguiseY9TE98Fast BuildSNXC2FFast DigXYAN83Fast Fix3Z7PJXFearlessTUXNZFGod Mode6JBB65Ice RinkTY9P4UPoo MoneySZFAAEScore x2U38VJPScore x3PEHHPZScore x4UXGTB3Score x6XWJ5EYScore x8S5UZCPScore x10V7JYBUSilhouettesFQGPYHSnake Whip2U7YCVVehiclesAlienPXT4UPBiplane7VLKAFHot RodYLG2TNRolls-Royce PhantomBC5PTYStunt PlaneRM3E84CharactersBoxer7EQF47DovchenkoWL4T6NIndiana Jones 1PGWSEAIndiana Jones 2FGLKYSIndiana Jones (collect)DZFY9SIndiana Jones (CS)8BDJG5Indiana Jones (desert)M4C34KIndiana Jones (dinner jacket)QUNZUTIndiana Jones (disguised)2W8QR3Indiana Jones (Kali)J2XS97Indiana Jones (officer)3FQFKSLao Che7AWX3JMacP4PCDYMannequin (adult female)U7SMVKMannequin (adult male)QPWDMMMannequin (child female)3PG5ELMannequin (child male)2UJQWCMola Ram82RMC2Mutt2GK562Professor Henry Jones4C5AKHRene BelloqFTL48SSalahE88YRPWillie (singer)94RUA
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues It will have movies from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark to Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.; it will also have a stage builder.
Indiana Jones Movies
sure is, already got it HAHAHAHAHAh
Because Is The Most Boringest Lego Game
the answer to that is Lego creators simply haven't made a set like that.
You insert codes there.
Codes are to unlock extras or characters.
In the classroom.
YOU might not get to
The words in there are just where you enter the cheat codes.
you dont type in the codes you buy them in the mailroom at the colledge
I dont know the code I think I have it lying around somewhere Lol!!
you play it after you build the rocket in the Lego Indiana Jones 2.
Lego Indiana Jones the Original Adventures is a good game on the Xbox 360 but that's just my opinon in my objective!
Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues It will have movies from Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark to Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull.; it will also have a stage builder.
It is on the Lego Indiana Jones disk, in the "" file.
Lego Indiana Jones is better