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The events were standard (acceptable); the actual life styles were politically correct to reflect today's one smoked cigarettes in the film (one or two token actors smoked). During WW2 even the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt smoked cigarettes; Churchill always smoked a cigar! Pappy Boyington, a WW2 USMC Corsair pilot ace, flicked his cigarette out of the plane's cockpit, then reclosed his indication that he was going in for the attack, during dog-fights. His squadron mates watched Pappy's moves, they knew when the attack would commence, by waiting for him to toss out his cigarette.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

This is what I have searched about that question: Two male lead roles played by Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett in the attack scene are similar to the real historical deeds of two U.S. Army Air Corps 2nd Lieutenants G. Welch and K.M. taylor, who took to the skies during the attack and shot down some Japanese fighters. But the movie didn't mention about the real people's existence and no historical account of Welch and Taylor.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It is about American service people and how their lives were changed by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, but this movie is half history and half hogwash. The movie Tora Tora Tora (1970) is a much more accurate telling of the events at Pearl Harbor.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

There was a ship titled Titanic and it did sink. Some of the characters on board the 1997 movie version are based on real people, however Rose and Jack's story is made up.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, the main characters had historical equivalents.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It was very loosely based on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Battle of Pearl Harbor was the opening round in the Pacific Theater and brought the US unavoidably into the conflict!

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Q: Are the characters in the movie 'Pearl Harbor' based on real people?
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Is Attack on Pearl Harbor a historical fiction?

The December 7, 1941 attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor and other US military installations & ships at Hawaii is real, and was the primary cause for the US entry into World War Two.Attack on Pearl Harbor is the 2001 non-fictional book by author Shelley Tanaka, is a compilation of stories by survivors.The 2001 movie Pearl Harbor is based on the actual historical event, however the movie's main characters are fictional people loosely based on some or various real people.

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See website: Attack on Pearl Harbor

Where was the Pacific Fleet during World War 2?

Based at Pearl Harbor.

Why did the japennsee attack pearl harbor?

To eliminate the US Battle Fleet based there.

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They were assigned to shore based hospitals.

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They took off from six IJN aircraft carriers which had stationed themselves a few hundred miles north of the Hawaiian Islands. At that time, there were no bombers in the world capable of making a land-based attack on Pearl Harbor.

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The Hawaiians were also Americans, because Hawaii was a US territory. The US fleet was based at Pearl Harbor to protect American interests & territories, including Hawaii.

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They did not choose Hawaii. They chose to destroy the US Navy fleet, which was based in Pearl Harbor, HI.

Why was Pearl Harbor Important to the Americans in World War 1?

Pearl Harbor was a US Naval base in WW1. But its place in History is in WW2 when the Japanese launch a pre emptive air strike from carrier based aircraft. This is known, Dec 7th 1941, as the day that will live in Infamy.

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There is no such country as 'Pearl Harbour" and thus there is no 'navy of pearl harbour'. Pearl Harbour is a US harbour in the Hawaiian islands and thus the navy based there is the US Navy and US citizens who want to defend their country will join that navy to do so.