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The Greeks are the only culture for which we have written record verifying a concept of the atom akin to what we know today.

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Q: Who is the ancient greek that first proposed the existence of atoms?
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Who was the first philosopers that atoms exist?

I think Democritus first posited the existence of atoms.

Is the scientist who first proposed the existence of Pangaea and Panthalassa.?

That would be Alfred Wegener

The first person to suggest the existence of atoms?

The first person to suggest the existence of atoms was Democritus.

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Was Dalton th first person to suggest the idea of atoms?

It was not John Dalton who first suggested the idea of atoms. It was the Greek philosopher and mathematician Democritus who first suggested the existence of atoms.

Which came into existence first atoms or quarks?

The currently accepted model of the Big Bang predicts that the early universe was composed of a quark-gluon plasma. After it cooled, baryons could form (baryons are particles like protons and neutrons which are made of quarks), and some time after that atoms could form. If you mean which was DISCOVERED first, atoms, by at least a couple of centuries.

Which scientist proposed that elements consisted of atoms were identical and had the same mass and that compounds were atoms from different elements combined together?

John Dalton first proposed this. Today, it's called Dalton's atomic theory.

Who proposed that the world is made up of atoms?

Democratus. (with an a) Dalton came up with the first model.

Was niels bohr the first to come up with the atom?

No. Ancient Greek philosophers postulated the existence of atoms.In 1803, John Dalton proposed an atom to explain chemical reactions that had been observed by scientists since the 1800's.

The person to introduce the idea of an atom was?

Democritus, an ancient Greek philosopher, was the first person to introduce the idea of an atom. He proposed that all matter is made up of tiny indivisible particles called atoms. Democritus' atomic theory laid the foundation for the modern understanding of atoms.

Who developed the philosophical idea of an atom?

The idea of the atom was first proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus in the 5th century BCE. He suggested that all matter is made up of indivisible particles called atoms, which differ in size, shape, and arrangement.