The distance between Warsaw and Auschwitz is 312km(192miles) by car.
yes warszawa is capital of poland
There are 902.7 miles between London, England and Warsaw, Poland. A nonstop flight would take roughly 2 hours, 30 minutes.
Warsaw is the nearest major international airport, but you might consider Krakow, which is very close.
Warsaw (in Polish: Warszawa) is in Poland, and is the capital as well.
4,465 miles / 7,186 kilometers.
Auschwitz and Warsaw are both in poland, Warsaw is the countries capitol.
Warsaw Poland, to Sofia Bulgaria is 669.23 miles
1394 km?
356 miles
The driving distance between Krakow, Poland and Warsaw, Poland is approximately 293 km with an approximate driving time of 4 hours, 28 minutes.
About 3 hours
About 350 km by straight lane. About 400 km by road or train.
yes warszawa is capital of poland
155 miles or 250KM.
Auschwitz was the largest camp. Warsaw was the largest ghetto. Both of these are in Poland.
155 miles or 250Km. An aircraft traveling at 550Km/h takes 17minutes.