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# How is lactic acid buildup dealt with by the body?

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Sister Little

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2y ago
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13y ago

Lactic acid is released by the slow, natural process of muscle relaxation after the heavy exertion that caused the lactic acid buildup, or you can speed up the release by massaging the muscle groups affected or using a heating pad (or combine the heating pad and Massage Therapy for an obviously faster recovery from lactic acid buildup).

However, be sure to drink plenty of liquids as the release of lactic acid simply puts it into your blood stream. Without flushing the lactic acid out with proper hydration you could cause general exhaustion and an otherwise 'sick' feeling from the toxins released from your muscles during a massage or heat therapy session.

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13y ago

the body need more energy to produce movement during vigorously exercises,but the oxygen intake is not fast enough to supply oxygen to glucose for producing energy. Glucose, C6H12O6 is break down directly to lactic acid and provide energy.

Equation :

C6H12O6 ---> 2C3H6O3



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14y ago

FLUIDS, lots of them.

try to stay away from lactose products

(milk, cheese, dairy products)

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15y ago

By using the muscle more. Post-exercise stretching and massage can help remove the buildup of lactic acid.

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14y ago

lactic acid can be removed from the muscles by exercising

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9y ago

lactic acid is removed by people

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12y ago

or you will die....

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Lactic Acid, which is toxic and accounts for the burn felt during exercise. Hence the expression: No Pain No Gain.

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The fact that your body has to produce lactic acid in order to get rid of excess C02. Therefore jogging is anaerobic because the amount of oxygen you need increases so much that your body can't remove it aerobically.

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Lactic acid is produced in your body and your legs start to ache, tire and hurt!! Usually you need to oxygen to calm it, as Lactic acid is also known as oxygen debt

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Your body uses lactic acid fermentation when oxygen levels are not adequate for proper cellular respiration. Our bodies need oxygen(aerobic) to continue exerting themselves, so when our muscles do not get enough oxygen from our breathing it resorts to fermentation, or the anaerobic (non oxygen using) pathway. This creates lactic acid in our muscles, which is the cause for cramps while being physically active. Hope this helps! :)

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During the period of resting, the breathing rate continues to be fast for a while. This provide sufficient oxygen to repay back the oxygen debt. In the liver, some of the lactic acid is oxidized to produce energy. This energy is used up to convert the lactic acid back to glucose. Lactic acid is toxic and cannot be stored or kept in our body for too long. When lactic acid is used up, oxygen debt is being paid.

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Lactic acid fermentation. This type of fermentation occurs when your muscles need more oxygen for energy, so fermentation gives your muscles a little extra energy.

How many athletes need the lactic acid profile test?

farting is the best way of getting rid of lactic acid in the body.eating rat food will also more ginger biscuits

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A build up of lactic acid :-). This is the by-product of that exercise. To flush that lactic acid out of the muscles, you need to be continually moving with a warm down after the exercise is complete. Also, when having a shower, try continually changing the temperature of the water from hot to cold. This will help immensely with the flushing of lactic acid.

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The type of fermentation that sometimes occurs in human muscle cells is Lactic Acid fermentation.