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Engaging in unprotected sex or sex with multiple partners.

Indulging in promiscuous sex (heterosexual or homosexual) without a condom, just after you met someone you know nothing about.

STD's are spread through skin contact and transmission of bodily fluids (saliva, semen, blood, etc).

The three riskiest would be:

1. Intercourse (vaginal/anal) without a condom

2. Performing fellatio or cunnilingus on an infected person

3. Skin to skin contact with herpes or wart outbreaks

STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) can refer to many different types of infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic.) As the name implies, these diseases are transmitted through sexual contact. Having multiple sex partners, not using condoms regularly and consistently with every sexual encounter, substance use and abuse and not getting tested for STDs regularly are all risk factors that could result in infection.

High-risk behaviors include multiple partners, having unprotected sex, drinking before having sex and having sex with unknown partners or strangers. Any of these actions greatly increase the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) such as gonorrhea, HIV or herpes.

Unprotected sex, multiple partners, alcohol use, and illicit drug use.

Unprotected sex with a monogamous partner carries no risk of STDs if both have been tested to confirm they have not contracted any. If it involves vaginal intercourse it does have a high risk of pregnancy unless she is using some other form of contraception or one of them has been sterilized (e.g. tubal ligation or vasectomy.)

Having multiple sex partners

Drinking alcohol

The term STD has been replaced by STI (sexually Transmitted Infection) Many behaviors can contribute to the spread of STI's. Any sexual contact with a person that is not protected by a condom or dental damn can result in an STI. In order to get an STI three factors must be present: 1- you must engage in a risky sexual behavior (unprotected sex, sex with a partner who has an outbreak of a STI) 2- fluids must be exchanged (blood, ejaculation, vaginal fluids, anal secreations) 3 - your partner must have an STI If any one of these three factors are not present it is not possible for you to catch an STI from a partner. Please keep in mind that it is possible to catch some STI's by using public toilets without putting toilet paper on the seat to protect yourself. With more than 150 STI's you must be sure to use protection for yourself. Nothing followed your question, so there are no "following behaviors" for us to select. However, having unprotected sex with multiple partners puts you at HIGH risk of getting an STD.

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