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your trapizius is good for sports such as Golf, Baseball and cricket

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Q: What sport would you use the trapezius muscle in?
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You use your deltoid muscle to raise this part of your body and your trapezius to rotate it What part?


What is the muscle you use most in sport?

It really depends on the sport in its self

What sport do you use the insertion muscle in?

The answer for this is the NFL.

What sport would you use your upper calf muscle?

Any sport that includes running/walking/cycling will use your calf muscles. Riding a bike every day is also a good way to strengthen your calves.

How do you use your skeleton in sport?

You use your skeleton in anything you do. Your skeleton holds you up but the only thing it does in a sport is move with your muscles. In other words, your muscle is the major contribution in any sport you do.

What muscle do you use when you do pull ups?

The primary muscles are the latissimus dorsi and the biceps brachii. Secondary muscles are the trapezius, brachioradialis, deltoid, teres major, rhomboid, rectus abdominus and obliques.

What sport uses every muscle including the brain?

i do gymnastics and u MUST use every muscle in ur body. hope this helps! :)

Why does my trapezius muscle hurt incredibly bad while doing cardiovascular exercise?

trapezius muscles tend to get over worked by newer runners. what tends to happen is most newer runners slouch forward (subconsciously its your body trying to get the 'workout' over with) and seemingly your body tightens up your trapezius to keep you erect. as to not fall forward. so the consistent strain of up and down on your trapezius leads to a strained muscle. try leaning back with proper or even over extended posture (look at photos of long distance runners) and this should clear it up. if you find that you just cant use this method constant pain creams and ibuprofen will be a daily thing.. trust me, i know. -ricky

In what sport would one use a Medicus 5 iron?

A person would use a Medicus 5 iron in the sport of golf.

What sport would you use steroids in?

Baseball, football, and any other sport.

What is horseback sport?

Hoseback sport is racing and competitions.It is a sport because you have to use your leg muscles 24/7. Trotting is all calf muscle, i cant believe people think horseback riding is a sport because you can compete and it is exercise.

What sport would you use a stimpmeter?
