Out. if your year two...
order is, well nephron is where most of the absorbption occurs so I will include this in my answer, skip this paragraph if you dont need to know... The blood is filtred across the glomerulus cappilaries into the bowmans capsule accoring to size (<7nm) so it is a relatively crude means by which the original filtrate is formed. But rest assured, you wont waste those Calcium, or P04, electroylye ions because they are mostly reabsorbed at the first part of the nephron- the PCT or promixal convoluted tubule thsi is due to the tissue here - simple cuboidal epithelium. Next is the LOH loop henle. Tissue changes to simple squamous and water is reabsorbed. Next tissue changes back at the DCT distal convoluted tubule and Na Water baalnce, acid base balance and here any anything that needs doing eg. regulating blood pressure can occur.
After this the filtrate flows into the collecting tubules, minor calyce, major calyce, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, urethra then finally urethra orifice.
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Renal corpuscle -> Proximal convoluted tubule -> Thin and thick limbs of the nephron loop (loop of Henle) -> Distal convoluted tubule -> Collecting tubule
Collecting tubules from several nephrons converge into
collecting ducts which carry urine to the calyces and the ureter
The correct pathway for urine to flow out of the human body is kidney, ureters, bladder, urethra.