It is a 30 milligram pain killer called Roxys or the drug term "Blues".
This pill has usually the letter M, a215, or a music note on the front.
The pill is usually a light blue, dark blue, or white.
This pill is highly addicting, and it is a terrible idea to start using.
From what I know, there is a drug known as Blue Train, but its effects, form and what not are unknown to me. Someone please add-in into this.
its 100% pure heroin It is also a form of magic in video games that the spells are learned from your enemies.
One possible drug that comes in blue liquid form is methylene blue. It is commonly used as a dye in medical procedures, but it can also be used as a treatment for conditions like methemoglobinemia and cyanide poisoning.
alteration of the physical form of a drug outside its label is called compounding.
Magic mushrooms will show up as psilocin and psilocybin on a drug test. These compounds are the primary active components of magic mushrooms. However, psilocin and psilocybin are not typically tested for.
Aachi and Ssipak
Magic or "Magick", is not like Harry Potter, it is form of religion, Wicca. All you have to do is do magic to become a witch (both male and female magic users are called witches) Research things like: Wicca witchcraft Salem pentacle the craft There another form of magic that is 'psi', someone who can minipulate psi is called a psion. The practice of minipulating psi is psionics. Find out more about psionic on psionic website. The link below will take you to the most widely used website.
Odysseus avoided turning into a pig by using an herb given to him by the god Hermes, which protected him from the enchantment of Circe. By taking this herb, he was able to maintain his human form and resist Circe's magic.
Ultra blue hair dye, or peroxide strips everything form you hair.
Methamphetamine is a man made drug that is a potent form of the drug amphetamine. It can also be called crystal meth, base, ice, meth, shabu, whiz, gooey, and ox blood. It comes in crystal form, powder form, and base form.