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Most ADD medications are stimulants. There is one that I know of that is not and that medication is called Stratara. There may be others that are not but that is the one I am most familiar with. Medications like Adderall, Ritilin, Concerta, and others are stimulant's and should be prescribed by a doctor only after he has tested you for ADD or ADHD. If the doctor tells you you have ADD or ADHD ask him to go over you options as far as medications go to find out what medication may be the right one for you to take. You may have to try a few if others do not work for you and you are still having symptoms.

Should your doctor decide to put you on one of the medication's that is a stimulant you need to keep him or her informed as to how you are doing. Are you feeling better, are you nervous or shaky all the time, do you have problems sleeping and so on. Your doctor should go over all those things with you if he or she decides to put you on medication.

Also, if you are put on a stimulant the best thing to do is to not tell your friends, etc. Most, if not all these stimulant are abused by other people, many who do not have ADD or ADHD. I am not sure how old you are but I would just use your better judgment as to who you would let know if you do take the stimulant's.

Best of luck,


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Stimulants are used to manage symptoms of ADHD, and some stimulants are short acting, while some work for longer periods of time. Common stimulants include Adderall, Dexedrine, and Ritalin.

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No, it is a stimulant used as an ADD/ADHD medication.

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If the symptoms of you're adhd are lessened or stopped after taking the medicine then the medicine is obviously working. Also if you feel different in a better way, like you feel more attentive and optimistic, then it is a sign that the medicine is working and you should stick to that medicine.

Can caffeine cause rapid heartbeat?

Yes, caffeine is a stimulant, and in sufficient quantity, it can give you palpitations.

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