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Yes, Zantac is a brand name drug for ranitidine, which is an antacid.

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Q: Is ranitidine the same as zantac?
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Is Ratinidine the same as Prilosec?

No, Prilosec is Omeprazole, a different drug. Ranitidine is "Zantac".

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Which is the most commonly selling drug for peptic ulcer?

Ranitidine (Zantac)

How many tablets for dosage of zantac?

You can get generic Zantac at Walmart or the like for $4 or less. If you have a Sam's Club around that is the best place to get it. You can get a HUGE bottle for under $10. The generic for Zantac is Ranitidine.

Can you take NyQuil while taking Ranitidine?

Those two drugs would be safe together. Zantac is a stomach acid reducer called an H-2 Antagonist. Nyquil is a cold and cough medicine. Also, if you check the label, neither of them has the same thing listed as an ingredient.

Will zantac test positive for Opiates?

Ranitidine is not an opiate. Ranitide is an antacid. Opiates are pain killers. so I would have to say no.

Can you crush ranitidine?

I don't suggest crushing or chewing Ranitidine (Zantac) it will not make them work any faster. If it's the effervescent tablets follow the instructions below. The 25mg Zantac effervescent tablets should dissolved in 1teaspoon of water. The 150mg Zantac effervescent tablets should be dissolved in 6-8ounces of water. *make sure you mix it well & it's all dissolved before consuming*

My drug test showed up as anphetamines could it be zantac?

Yes. It said that online. " Ranitidine is also known to give false positives for methamphetamine on drug tests.]"

What are the names of the most common H2 receptor blockers?

The most common H2-receptor blockers are cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid), nizatidine (Axid), and ranitidine (Zantac).

What are the H-2 blockers besides cimetidine?

The three other H2 receptor blockers, famotidine (Pepcid, Pepcid AC), nizatidine (Axid), and ranitidine (Zantac), are similar in their uses.