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No, it is generally not considered healthy to have such infrequent bowel movements. In general a health care professional would suggest that someone should poop within three days of the last time. Pooping only once a week might be a symptom of constipation--or it might be perfectly normal for a given person. Variation in the intervals is normal and "regularity" is individualized to each person. But, as a rule of thumb, if a BM does not occur within three days of the last one, it would be time to take measures to relieve the situation. The most common factors that affect frequency and regularity are food consumption volume, fluid intake, and amount of fiber in the diet. Chronic constipation can also be indicated by small amounts of stool that are relatively dry, hard, difficult to pass, and/or shaped in small balls. Assuming the diet is regular food and not just clear liquids, relief can be as simple as increasing fluids (especially noncarbonated, and not alcohol, coffee, or tea, which are natural diuretics and deplete the available fluids for the digestive process), or eating more fiber rich foods to relieve the constipation (e.g., Prunes, Prune Juice) and increasing fiber intake as a matter of course to prevent future constipation (e.g., bran cereals, fruits, vegetables). After two days without a BM, you might try those methods. But if ineffective and necessary, next you could try a gentle laxative like the soluble fiber types (e.g., Citricel or Metamucil or generic equivalent). Follow the instructions on the package labels. You will eventually learn what works best for you. Sometimes a stronger laxative may be required, but your system can get used to them and not work well without them if used too frequently. Another over the counter remedy is a pre-mixed small bottle of enema solution (e.g., Fleet's-type enema), easily self-administered. Some prescription and over the counter medications can contribute to chronic constipation, consult your health care professional, especially if the listed side effects on the label include constipation. If these changes in diet, fluid intake, and regular exercise are not successful to produce consistent regularity at least every three days, or if you see blood in the stool, or if the feces looks tarry black, or any other changes to your bowel habits occur, it would be advisable to see a health care professional right away.

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15y ago
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15y ago

dude, you're supposed to go once a day. perhaps you've got constipation?

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15y ago

Yes, but try to go poop when ever you have to.

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13y ago

Yes it is unhealthy to poop to much, you can lose a lot of weight.

You should poop about once a day

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15y ago

yes, i learned this from my doctor. He said.... Get rid of your poop once a day and you will be heathlyer.

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