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15y ago
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12y ago

you should be sleeping face facing up and body facin up alot of people sleep side ways but thats not ood for you because your puttin to much blood on one side

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10y ago

Most people find horizontal, or approximately so, to be best.

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Yes it can be definitely worn while should not be very tight though.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that the direction you sleep in affects the Earth's magnetic field. The Earth's magnetic field is very weak and not influenced by the direction you face while sleeping. It is not necessary to adjust your sleeping position based on magnetic field concerns.

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The duration of While You Were Sleeping is 1.72 hours.

When was While You Were Sleeping created?

While You Were Sleeping was created on 1995-04-21.

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Are you referring to your bra? There is no need to sleep in one, at all.

Should girls wear a bra at night?

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