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If you are trying to gain weight, it is best to do so in a healthy manner. This means not having all of your excess calories come from fats and unhealthy junk foods. Instead, try adding about 100 to 200 extra calories a day from healthy alternatives. This means lean proteins / meats, nuts, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. To do so, this can easily be done by adding one of these things to your diet (extra) daily...

* Medium to large sizes apple

* Cup of yougurt

* Glass of milk

* 5 to 6 crackers with low-fat cheese

* Handful of nuts / trail mix

* Piece of fish

* Small piece of chicken

* Slice or two of whole grain bread

* Spoonful of peanut butter

* Bowl of mixed veggies

* Small bowl of maccaroni

* Granola bar

* Handful of dried fruit

Simply adding these (1 daily) can add 10 pounds to your body in a year.

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12y ago

Though carbohydrates are not essential nutrients but if you want to gain 1pound per week, you need at least 200gm of carbohydrates per day.

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Q: How many carbohydrates a day for weight gain?
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How many carbohydrates in a day will make you gain weight?

A normal intake of carbs a day is 3000, so I would say more than 3100 is going to make you gain weight.

How many carbohydrates should you eat each day if trying to lose weight and you weigh 210pds?

For a person of your weight, 90-110 grams of carbohydrates each day can assist weight loss. This is because an increase in carbs will help balance your blood sugar levels, and able you to eat fattier foods, like cookies or pie, without gain.

How many carbohydrates a day is right?

The amount of carbs you should have in a day varies depending on multiple factors like your size, you gender, you fitness level, your short term weight loss/gain goals, etc.

What is the healthy amount of carbs for a 40 year old every day?

The amount of carbohydrates that is right for you depends on you. Some people can eat hundreds of carbohydrates and not gain weight, while others can't.

How many servings of rice or alternatives to rice can you eat each day?

That depends on whether you want to gain weight, maintain weight, or lose weight. It also depends on whether or not you want to count carbohydrates. You may wish to ask the question again and give more details.

How many carbohydrates should pregnant woman have daily?

carbohydrates don't really have any health benefits, they just convert energy, which translates to fat. If you don't want to gain more weight than necessary for a healthy pregnancy, keep it about/below 300 grams a day.

Can you gain weight in just one day?

Of course it is possible ot gain weight in one day! If you eat as much as you need to eat then you wont gain weight in one day but if you eat a lot in one day then of course you are gonna gain weight in one day!

I am 48 years old weight 108 how many calories should I eat a day to gain weight?


How many calories do you need to consume a day to gain weight?

3,600 calories (consumed in one day) will equal one pound of weight gained.

How many carbohydrates a day should 57 year old woman consume to lose weight?

I am trying to loose weight how many carbs should I limit myself to daily?

Can not eating sweets help you lose weight fast?

Weight gain is due the lack of a healthy lifestyle. Eating sugar does not make you gain weight. In fact, sugar is the first substance quickly absorbed by the body to create energy. Fatty carbohydrates are the ones that cause weight gain. Meat and bread and grains have high fat content. The best way to maintain a healthy weight is plenty of exercise, a balanced diet (not gorging on food and healthy food choices), many small meals throughout the day instead of three large meals. Skipping meals can make the body to store more fat thus causing weight gain. Alcohol also plays a major role in weight gain. A glass of wine at dinner each night will not make you gain weight, three or more beers a day can. --Kelsey

If your weight is 155lbs How many carbohydrates should you be eating a day if on a low fat diet?

Do not go over 150 carbs.