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you shouldn't. that's the point.

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Q: How long should a nicotine patch removed before you smoke?
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How long can i smoke after you take off the nicotine patch?

Theoretically, as soon as the patch was removed (though some residual nicotine will remain dissolved in the subcutaneous tissues after it is removed), but the patch should not be taken on and replaced whenever the urge to smoke arises. In this case, a higher strength patch needs to be used. If the current patch is already at the 21 mg strength, a combination approach using the patch plus either Chantix or Wellbutrin/Zyban would be a more rational approach to smoking cessation.

Can the nicotine patch make skin smell?

Yes it can. Smell the patch before you put it on. That smells. It also makes your skin smell.

What are tips to quit smoking?

To quit smoking should be by using Nicotine patch &/or gum.

Why does a nicotine patch help?

A part of the addiction pattern of tobacco is the fact that your body adapts to having nicotine on board. A nicotine patch can relieve that part of the craving.

Where i can find nicotine patch?

One can find a nicotine patch at local department stores such as Walmart or Target, or even local drug stores. One may also be able to find a nicotine patch online.

Can you remove your patch and replace it right?

If you remove a patch, you should throw it away and put on a new one. You should not reapply a patch that you removed.

What is the maximum number of nicotine patches that can be worn per day?

Only one nicotine patch should be worn per day. Rotating the placement of the patches will prevent irritation and will insure that the trans dermal medication is being absorbed by the body. Always remove the last patch before applying another one.

Will the nicotine in the patch cause you to test dirty for tobacco with a urine test?

No, nicotine in the patch will cause you to test positive for nicotene... that's about it

When to start smoking again after removing the nicotine patch?

If you have been wearing a nicotine patch . . . why would you want to go back to smoking?!

Which nicotine patch lasts the longest?

The intake of "Nicotine patch " depends upon the intensity of smoking habit we have. Basings on the quantity of cigars person smokes, the dose of nicotine patch depends. So, there is no nicotine patch that ever lasts

If you use the patch and take the pill can you still get prego?

If the patch is not the nicotine patch and the pill is not aspirin, no.

I would like to conceive next month April 2012. Should I replace the Patch tomorrow and do so for 3 week have my period then try to conceive OR not replace and try to conceive when i ovulate in April?

If you are referring to a nicotine patch, I'd recommend your first choice. Thus giving the body a chance to clear the nicotine before conception.