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horneds squirt blood 5 feets away

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30 feet

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Q: The pressure in a heart can squirt blood how far?
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How far can the heart squirt blood?

30 feet

How far can the heart pump blood?

4 meters Depends on the blood pressure

How far can whip cream squirt?

Are far as you can squezzeee it!

Is blood pressure highest in the aorta pulmonary artery capillary bed or subclavian vein?

The order, from most to least pressure: * Aorta * pulmonary artery * capillary bed * subclavian vein This is because the aorta takes blood the farthest distance, from the heart to the rest of our body organs, so it requires a greater push from the heart. Pressure in the veins is always lower, due to the fact the blood flowing through them has travelled further. The pulmonary artery doesn't take blood as far as the aorta, so it therefore does not need as high a pressure.

What is the blood pressure in radial artery?

The most accurate way to measure blood pressure is to use an artery closest to the heart. The radial artery is far weaker, and less audible making it a less popular area of the body to assess blood pressure. For medical purposes, the brachial artery is considered the most noninvasive artery to access when measuring blood pressure. Its no wonder that medical professionals dont constrict the carotid arteries to measure blood pressure.

Why are the two valves on the left side of the heart where there is high pressure?

It depends on the viewpoint of the observer ! Looking at the heart as if you're standing in front of the patient - the left ventricle and left atrium are on the right of the heart. If you're looking at the heart as if you're standing behind the patient - the chambers are correctly placed.

What do the 2 numbers of blood pressure represent?

The top number is the Systolic pressure. The bottom number is the Diastolic pressure. The top number is the force that the blood puts against the artery walls as the heart pumps. The bottom number is the pressure against the artery walls as the heart rests in between beats.

What are risks if 38 year old female has blood pressure of 160 110 and it is left untreated?

The risk is heart attack or stroke. Also, kidney failure would not be far away.

Why are some blood vessels more muscular than others?

The blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, arteries, need to withstand the pressure exerted by the heart as it pumps to the blood to the lungs and to all the tissues of the body. These have thicker muscular walls, veins deal with far less pressure, so their muscular layer is thinner.

What are the two readings that are taken to find out blood pressure?

The two reading notes on a blood pressure reading is systolic and diastolic. Systolic reads the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscle beats or contracts. Diastolic reads the pressure in the arteries between beats or contractions.

When taking a blood pressure the systolic pressure is the pressure reading when the?

Blood pressure readings are always expressed as two values, one high and one low, representing the squeeze (systolic) and relax (diastolic) phases of the heart's pumping. The units of blood pressure are millimetres of mercury - that might seem a strange kind of measurement but it's really just seeing how far up a tube the pressure can push a column of mercury. So the full expression is, for example, 120 millimetres of mercury or 120 mmHg.

What do veins have that no other blood vessel has?

Veins have valves which make them unique, (as compared to arteries or capillaries). This is to prevent blood from going in the opposite direction. Since arteries lead away from the heart, the blood travels through using the pressure differential. But since the blood found in veins are so far off from the heart, they require contractions from skeletal muscle to squeeze blood towards the SVC/IVC and back into the right atrium.