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Yes, several types. The most serious are "brownouts" (when others have to remind you what you did for you to remember some) and "blackouts" (where you loose all memory of events even when reminded by witnesses. It's a total block of memory that you can never get back)

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13y ago
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12y ago

Scientific medical research has demonstrated that the moderate consumption of Alcoholic Beverages (beer, wine and spirits) reduces the risk of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.

Short term memory loss (blackouts) can be caused by drinking too much alcohol. And, of course, alcoholic abuse of alcohol over a period of decades increases the risk of memory loss.

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12y ago

Yes it can. studies have shown that alcohol, as well as smoking, can damage brain cells and cause pre-mature Alzheimers. However, drinking alcohol in moderation reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

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15y ago

Alcohol in any form, when taken excessively, is able to cause short-term amnesia (blackouts), and can also affect our ability to retrieve information from long-term memory. Contrary to popular belief, we do not pass out in a blackout. It refers, instead, to the loss of memories about things we do when we are conscious. It is also one of the first signs of advanced Alcoholism.

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13y ago

Alcohol is a depressant so it causes a slow reaction time. It impairs your judgment and memory. Your ability to debate the outcome of your actions pretty much is out the door. You go with your instinct and act on it. That is why many do stupid things when they are intoxicated. Your memory also fails if you have had a lot to drink, that's why you sometimes don't remember what you did the previous night, so when your friends tell you, "remember when you...." and you have no clue what they are talking about, that's the affects of alcohol. It also depends on how much alcohol you consume and in what period of time. The more you drink in a small frame of time, the more likely you are to black out.

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15y ago

Stop drinking. This is not a joke. That is the only thing that will help.

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13y ago

Long-term users of alcohol often exhibit memory loss due to damage of the limbic system structures called the amygdala and hippocampus, located in the temporal lobes.

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11y ago

Extensive research has found that drinking alcohol in moderation reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.

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10y ago

Every knows Alchol is very bed for health. If you use Alchol regularly So Alchol damage day to day memory function.

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Yes! because alcohol can kill you.And you short term memory loss

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You begin to loss the ability to subtain things in the memory.

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You will have long term effects of memory loss and other complications.

What long term effect does alcohol have on your nervous system?

Destruction of brain cells and memory loss

What is the long term effect of alcohol on the nervous system?

Destruction of brain cells and memory loss

What is a long-term effects of alcohol on the nervous system?

Destruction of brain cells and memory loss

What are the good and bad things about alcohol?

If your under age it is very unhealthy to drink alcohol and may cause memory loss when you are older !!! :o

Which causes greater chance for memory loss drinking alcohol or giving childbirth?

Drinking alcohol. Giving birth should not cause any memory loss, except perhaps due to anesthesia in the very rare event that general anesthesia would be used. Drinking alcohol, in and of itself, does not usually cause memory loss either. However, drinking to excess can result in induced amnesia (blackouts) where a person may not recall things that were done while drinking. Long-term use can cause permanent memory loss as continual exposure to the neurotoxic effects of alcohol gradually erodes the performance of the cells in the brain.

What does alcohol do to the CNS?

Alcohol usually has a temporarily toxic effect on the central nervous system. The effects of alcohol will usually be memory loss, slow movement and impaired judgment. Long term use of Alcohol will make these symptoms permanent.