disadvantage of biomedical health is that its not a long term strategy, by not looking at the patients medical history, asking them how they feel and also asking fully detailed question about an illness it means the same illness could come back again which is why it is important to look at how the patient feels, look at their medical history and find full details about the patients and their illness.
Strengths; it is based on scientific knowledge and research. It has provided many effective cures and treatments for disease and physical conditions.
Limitations; It focuses on the individual and pays insufficient attention to environmental and social factors associated with health problems. It is open to interpretation and often has different definitions.
Quite a few. First the medication they throw at you, Im sorry (prescribe) is unknown to the Mental Healty or Kedical field as to exactly how these medications actually help the patient. And IF and I do mean IF they find the right (cocktail) of medication it could take months or even years to find what might help the patient. And there are SO MANY mental health meds out there and new ones being made ALL THE TIME finding the 1 2 3 or even more med that might help is like finding out a combination to a lock u just found on the ground...
hostilic view
The biomedical model focuses on diagnosing and treating diseases by viewing them as physical abnormalities in the body. It emphasizes biological factors as the primary cause of illness and relies heavily on medical interventions such as medications and surgery to address health issues. It often overlooks the impact of social, psychological, and environmental factors on health.
Well, honey, the biomedical model of health focuses on diagnosing and treating specific diseases or conditions, while functionalism looks at how different parts of society work together to maintain stability. So, in a nutshell, you could say they both have a common goal of keeping things running smoothly, just in different contexts. Hope that clears things up for ya!
what are the advantages and disadvantages of the biomedical model
Some features of the biomedical model of health are specialist medical services are valued highly, scientific methodology is highly valued in research, and health services are geared towards the treating of the sick. Also there is the absence of disease and that health is based on the understanding of how diseases arise.
Biomedical informatics is the application of information technology to the fields of biomedical research and health care.
Critics of the biomedical model of psychology argue that it oversimplifies complex mental and emotional issues by focusing solely on biological factors while neglecting the influence of social, psychological, and environmental aspects. They also point out that the model tends to prioritize medication and biological interventions over holistic approaches that address the whole person. Additionally, critics believe that the biomedical model may contribute to stigma surrounding mental health by reducing complex conditions to purely biological abnormalities.
It isn't.
The Biomedical Model. The biomedical model of medicine was developed in the 19th century as a response to the medical knowledge of that time. The knowledge being that man was a part of nature and therefore could be studied in the same way as nature, at a cellular level. The biomedical model was highly successful in identifying main causes of illness and death at that time, these were accidents and infections. The biomedical model suggests that man only got il from things which invaded the body or from accidental damage. Also the biomedical model suggests that man is either healthy or ill - there is no 'in between.' However, as the century progressed individuals no longer died from infections, society changed with industrialisation, living conditions improved, nutrition improved and new illnesses such as Coronary Heart Disease and cancer became the leading causes of mortality and morbidity. The biomedical model no longer was as effective due to the fact that other factors, social and psychological, played a part in illness. The biomedical model still stands today in identifying illnesses and diseases but not what causes them and what causes death.
The psychological model of health emphasizes the role of mental and emotional factors in overall well-being, viewing health as a holistic concept. In contrast, the biomedical model focuses on diagnosing and treating physical symptoms and diseases using medical interventions. The psychological model recognizes the interconnectedness of mental and physical health, while the biomedical model tends to prioritize physical symptoms and pathology.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the federal agency responsible for conducting biomedical research. It is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is the largest biomedical research agency in the world.
The biomedical model views pain solely as a physical issue, whereas the biopsychosocial model considers pain as influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. Health care practitioners using the biomedical model may focus mainly on treating physical symptoms, while those using the biopsychosocial model may take a more holistic approach, considering how psychological and social factors can impact pain perception and treatment outcomes. Practitioners' attitudes and approaches to patient diagnosis can significantly impact the treatment plan and patient outcomes, so it's important for them to consider all aspects of the biopsychosocial model when assessing and managing pain.