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Q: Can unripe papaya cause miscarriage
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Why is unripe green papaya cause miscarriage?

This is not true, unripe green papaya DOES NOT cause miscarriage.

Can the seeds uf unripe papay cause miscarriage?

No, they can't. Go see a doctor.

What comes out of an unripe papaya after it is cut?

Some sort of liquid.

What is the role of papaya in miscarriage?

I've heard both ripe and unripe ones can do that, no one knows for sure and it's supposed to be in large amounts. No one seems to know how large though. This is a very unsure and unsafe way to abort. Eating a normal amount wont harm you. Oh and someone wrote that pineapple can make you miscarry. No it can not.

Why pregnant women cant eat papaya?

They can eat papaya. There are ppl saying that if you eat large amounts of ripe or unripe (no one seems to know exactly, I´ve read both) you can have a miscarriage in the fiorst month. Now most women doesn´t even know they are pregnant by then. So you can happily eat a normal amount of papaya.

Is papaya is safe during 9 month pregnancy?

"If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, avoideating papaya or using a papaya product. Papaya is sometimes recommended for soothing indigestion, which is a common ailment during pregnancy. Although a fully ripe papaya is not considered dangerous, a papaya that is at all unripe contains a latex substance that triggers uterine contractions and may cause amiscarriage. 1 The papaya enzyme that helps soothe indigestion is called papain, or vegetable pepsin. Papain is found in the fruit's latex and leaves. 1 Researchers have noted that unripe papaya latex acts like prostaglandin and oxytocin, which the body makes to start labor. 2 Synthetic prostaglandin and oxytocin are commonly used to start or strengthen labor contractions." -from Yahoo HealthIn short, if it's ripe it might be ok, but better not to risk it.

What to do if eaten papaya in pregnancy?

Papaya is a hot fruit, It may lead to miscarriage.

Will papaya help for two months pregnancy?

will papaya help for two and half months of pregancy?

Is it safe to eat papaya during one month pregnancy?

Papaya has a digestive enzyme called papain. It is used in commercial meat tenderizers. If you are getting heartburn, don't overdo it. If it is unripe, leave it alone completely, as it may provoke a miscarriage during implantation, the first tri-mester, or may provoke early-onset labor in the 8th & 9th month.

Are unripe pinapples toxic?

Yes. When pineapples are eaten unripe, they cause severe throat irritation and vomiting/diarrhea.

Can a miscarriage cause vaginal irritation?

A miscarriage may cause vaginal irritation.

Can physical activity cause a miscarriage?

No, normal physical activity does not cause miscarriage.