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Basically she can't. There are instances where a fertilized egg attaches outside of the uterus and implants on the intestines or in the pelvis.

Because the implanted embryo develops it's own support system via the placenta and umbilical cord, a pregnancy maybe achieved but this is a medical emergency and the results, if untreated, can be a catastrophe.

There have ben a few documented cases where a woman has carried a fetus to a point where it is viable - but no one in the medical community would recommend this. The uterus is designed to clamp down after delivery to shed the placenta and reduce bleeding. No other organ will react this way.

As we know, sometimes the placenta pulls away, even from the uterine wall before delivery causing hemorrhage. in the intestines or pelvis, the blood supply achieved will hemorrhage and would be life threatening to both the mother and baby.

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Yes. It is called ectopic pregnancy. An embryo can set on other parts including the fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries, and abdomen. However, this type of pregnancy is quite rare and imposes danger to the mother. Thus, it is important that this is treated properly. There is a diminutive percentage that this type of pregnancy will push through but out of those that are successful, a healthy child is born.

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Absolutely.Some women are born without uterus,some get rid off it by surgery(Hysterectomy),still they can live.

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No, that kind of surgery and transplantation is not possible yet.

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Q: Is it possible for women to give a birth with out uterus?
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