As of currently, Isshin Kurosaki, father of Ichigo, Karin and Yuzu Kurosaki, is alive and well.
His favorite food is carrots. His favorite fast food is Taco Bell.
he does not have a favorite food
his favorite food is stakesTamales!
His favorite food is fish and mince pie and his favorite drink is red wine
I'm pretty sure that he was a Captain at one time before meeting Ichigos mother.
As Bleach is a Shounen (boys) manga, and not a Shojo (girls) manga, we can assume that there will be no romance in the series
As far as we know, only Ichigos father is from the soul society. They mentioned he was a former captain, and that would explain why Ichigo and karin can see ghosts. I don't believe that their mother was a soul reaper.
Coquelicot (A brilliant; poppy red)
Hikaru Kurosaki's birth name is Seiki Kurosaki.
Ryan Kurosaki was born in 1952.
Hikaru Kurosaki was born in 1962.
He used to be.
yes is fruits
Ichigo Kurosaki was created in 2001.
Ichigo Kurosaki's Dad is Isshin Kurosaki