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Dark brown.

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Q: What is Johnny Depps natural hair colouris?
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What color is Johnny Depp's hair?

A darkish brown!!johnny depps hair color is dark dark brown

In Sweeny Todd is that Johnny Depps real hair?

Yes, it is...he had it teased to make it look like that

What is Lindsay Lohans natural hair colouris her hair layered and what is the nearest colour i can get without a big price tag colour her hair is when its dyed red?

Lindsay Lohan's hair is a mid red

What color is Johnny Depp's hair?

A darkish brown!!johnny depps hair color is dark dark brown

What is the colour of demi's lovato new hair colouris it blonde?

yes it blonde with a little brown in it

Who said no johnny not your hair in The Outsiders?

When Ponyboy and Johnny ran away to the church. They had to cut their hair and bleach it to disguise them selves. And after Johnny cut Ponyboys, he was bout to cut his own hair , and he said no Johnny , don't cut your hair , but he did anyway

When was Johnny Get Your Hair Cut created?

Johnny Get Your Hair Cut was created on 1927-01-15.

What do pony and johnny do to diguise themselves?

pony cut off his hair and bleached it while johnny cut his hair

How do you get natural hair if your 11?

You don't "get" natural hair. How your hair comes out of your head is natural.

Why are hair grease so important to johnny?

to keep his hair fashionably

Does Johnny Knoxville dye his hair?


Who bleaches Ponyboy's hair?

Johnny bleaches Ponyboy's hair at Jay Mountain.