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Christmas is very old.

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Christmas as we now know it, was originally sanctioned as an official holiday in the early - mid 4th century by the Roman State Church in order to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the exact reason behind the choice of dates is unknown, it is possible that December 25th was chosen to coincide with the earlier Roman winter Solstice, a continuation of ancient Pagan Yuletide celebrations. The name "Christmas" is derived from the Old English Cristes mæsse, a phrase first recorded in 1038 and relating to old Latin "Holy Mass".

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12y ago
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12y ago

cWe cannot really say how old they are trustingly but when the world started well they would have been around so forever they have been here and always will be here forever basically so they must be centuries and centuries old VERY OLD

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14y ago

I think he is 101 I have no clue ???

Santa is not actually real but in some peoples hearts he is

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How Old is Mrs. Santa Claus?

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Mrs. Claus's age is not clearly specified in most traditional Christmas stories. However, she is generally portrayed as being similar in age to Santa Claus, who is often depicted as being very old.

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they suspect that santa claus is over 1700 years old. but I'm not positive.

I want to know why Santa Claus never gets old?

Stop Santa does get old do u know this there is not 1 Santa first Santa get married to mrs clause she has a baby the father get olds a die and so mrs looks after the baby then she dies and by the time they both have that baby will be all grown up and he will be Santa and It starts all over again

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Given that Santa Claus is not real, he has no age.

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Maybe. You never know with Santa Claus. ;)

What are some songs about Santa?

Some songs about Santa Claus are: "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", "Here Comes Santa Claus", "Santa Baby", "I Believe in Father Christmas", Little Saint Nick", and "Jolly Old St. Nicholas".

Did Santa Claus exist in 1801?

Santa did exist in 1801. He is very old.

Is Santa Claus still living?

Santa is immortal, just 1000 years old

Who performed Santa Claus and his old lady?

Cheech and Chong

How old was Santa Claus in year 2010?

he was 2000 years old. He is magical.