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Wayne's closest friends were reportedly Ward Bond, Howard Hawks, and John Ford. He gave the eulogies at all of their funerals.

It was Frank Sinatra. As to Frank Sinatra & John Wayne you couldn't be more wrong. This is from the IMDB trivia section on John Wayne.... "The evening before a shoot he was trying to get some sleep in a Las Vegas hotel. The suite directly below his was that of Frank Sinatra (never a good friend of Wayne), who was having a party. The noise kept Wayne awake, and each time he made a complaining phone call it quieted temporarily but each time eventually grew louder. Wayne at last appeared at Sinatra's door and told Frank to stop the noise. A Sinatra bodyguard of Wayne's size approached saying, "Nobody talks to Mr. Sinatra that way." Wayne looked at the man, turned as though to leave, then backhanded the bodyguard, who fell to the floor, where Wayne knocked him out by crashing a chair on top of him. The party noise stopped."

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

They were not. In an interview Eastwood tells of writing a letter to Wayne on a suggested script they could do together. Wayne was less than impressed with the type of movie's Eastwood had done to that point. They were very different artistically. Wayne was offered the Dirty Harry part but refused due to the bad language in the script. It was then offered to Eastwood.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Bruce Cabot, Ward Bond, Maureen O'Hara, Victor McLaglen, Hank Warden.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Although Stewart was never a member of Wayne's tightly knit group of drinking cronies they were friends and shared a mutual respect for each other.

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Walter Brennen

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Q: Were John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart friends?
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John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart were both in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, 1962; The Shootist. 1976. Also How the West was Won, 1962

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