It is a little north west of Lilly cove you will see a cave on water with a door everywhere
look up walkthroughs on youtube
You have to beat team aquas leader. His red orb will glow and kyogre will wake up.
the master ball is in team aquas hideout. When u find the room with 4 pokeballs the one on the top left (I think) is the master ball.
surf to mount pyre then beat team aqua/magma then you can surf to team aquas hideout from lylicove after that the wailmers wil move and you can surf to modsep
In Emerald, go to Lilycove and jump down the ledges until you reach the stairs that lead down to the ocean. Go to the top right and Surf right and up until you see a cave. That is Team Aqua's hideout. (I only have Emerald, so apologies if this isn't correct in your game.)
A rock in the front is a good hideout to pass em
look up walkthroughs on youtube
you go to the team aquas hideout near lillycove city
You have to beat team aquas leader. His red orb will glow and kyogre will wake up.
beat the team aqua base
You must get the badge from your dad and when you do you get the HM surf and teach it to a Pokemon that knows how to do it. go to Lilcove and go all the way to the upper right and surf and you'll see a cave and that is Team aquas hideout!Welcome,Qajs1 (Quinton)
team aquas hideout in lilycove
near team aquas hideout in sapphire. but in emerald it is on MT. chimeny
the master ball is in team aquas hideout. When u find the room with 4 pokeballs the one on the top left (I think) is the master ball.
you have to go to Mt. Pyre and stop them there first the go to the shoreline and surf up and the aquas that where standing there will be gone
wait at the main area until he comes around, then pounce!
lilycove city or something like that