It basically means to use a spatula or spoon and slowly mix the new ingredient into the mixture. It's very hard to explain this in words. Usually you move the spoon from the bottom of the bowl out to the side and into the middle. It is used to prevent loss of air/fluffiness in the current mixture. This is often seen in angel food cake where you start with a meringue mixture and must gently add the additional ingredients.
When baking, folding is a method used to incorporate more air into the mixtures. In order to fold, you need a spatula or a spoon. Carefully pour mixture A into mixture B a little at a time. Take the spatula, scrape the bottom of the bowl, and take mixture B and "fold" it over the other mixture. Do not simply stir, as that would dispel the air and make the cake heavy. Continue to scrape the bottom of the bowl and flop the mixture A over mixture B until well combined!
To fold in means to stir slowly and gently, pulling the substance in questions up from the bottom of the bowl and draping or "folding" it over the top. This technique is usually used to combine a fluffy batter with a heavier one--the gentle mixing keeps the fluffy batter from being deflated.
It basically means to use a spatula or spoon and slowly mix the new ingredient into the mixture. It's very hard to explain this in words. Usually you move the spoon from the bottom of the bowl out to the side and into the middle. It is used to prevent loss of air/fluffiness in the current mixture. This is often seen in angel food cake where you start with a meringue mixture and must gently add the additional ingredients.
When a recipe specifies to "fold" in an ingredient, you don't stir it in as you normally would. For example, if you fold in nuts, you add the nuts and then run the spoon or spatula around the sides and bottom of the bowl, folding the dough (or any mixture) over and in on itself. Run the spoon around the side and fold it over toward the center. Rotate the bowl about a quarter turn and repeat: slide around the side and fold inwards. Continue folding until the nuts are distributed throughout the mixture. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy to do.
two fold means twice as much.
You have to trace the blue line that appears on the screen to make it a circle.
There are 8 standard ways to fold a Cloth Diaper if that is what you mean. The Trifold / standard diaper fold, Triangle diaper fold, Bikini twist diaper fold, Kite-fold diaper fold, Origami diaper fold, Terry-square diaper fold, Angel wing folds, and the Navel defense diaper fold.
Doblar/To fold
sheep fold
I guess five fold
It means fold. Hope that helped.!';
Uncovered in cooking means cooking with no lid or covering.
fold; twist; weave
Gs means grams in cooking.
It is easy to fold a strip of pastry into a triangular cone, put some samosa filling in it and "seal" it before cooking.