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there are 25 shots in a bottle. 30 ml per shot... usually used for liquor. When we measure wine from the bottle, we use the word glass - how many glasses in a 750 ml - 6 glasses which is 41/2 shots per glass @ 30 ml in a shot.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

If you are serving wine at a cocktail party then the two bottles will serve about 14 glasses. When serving wine at a cocktail party guests tend to put their glasses down and forget where they left them. If they do find the glass they are then afraid to drink from it! So, don't fill the glass to a full 8 ounces. In addition at cocktail parties guests want to "try" more wines so give them a little less per glass.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Approximately 10 bottles.

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