There are about 168 calories in a slice of Pizza with cheese.
It depends on where the pizza is from/how big the slices are but you're looking at around 400 calories.
it all varies, but on average 220-264 cakories
There are about 750 calories in 3 slices of pizza from Little Caesars.
1000 calories
It depends on the exact type of cheese. Most average slices of cheese are about 90 to 100 calories, so 5 slices would be about 450 to 500 calories or so.
In two slices of homemade Hawaiian pizza there are 314 calories. Two slices of Hawaiian pizza from Domino's contains about 400 calories. Two slices of Hawaiian pizza from Papa John's is 620 calories. These are 15.7%, 20%, and 31% of the daily recommended intake of calories based on a 2,000 calorie diet, respectively.
There are about 200-300 calories in a slice of mushroom Pizza.
Based on a slice of cheese pizza from Costco, that would be 801 calories.
The average slice of thick crust cheese pizza has about 220-300 calories.