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Let the number of sisters be s and the number of brothers b. We must remember to bear in mind that no one is their own brother or sister!

'The youngest sister has the exact same number of brothers and sisters.' Therefore:

s - 1 = b 'Her oldest brother has twice as many sisters as brothers.' So:

2(b - 1) = s

2b - 2 = s Subtracting 1 from each side:

2b - 3 = s - 1

But s - 1 = b, so

2b - 3 = b

b - 3 = 0

b = 3 And from above, s = 4. Thus there are seven siblings altogether; Four girls, 3 boys.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Well, since you did not put the number of sisters/daughters or brothers/sons, this question cannot be answered. Please rephrase the question with the numbers in it. Thanks!

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Q: If your youngest sister has the same number of brothers and sisters and her oldest brother has twice as many sisters as brothers how many kids are in the family?
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