Freddy Krueger was burnt alive by the parents of the children he had murdered. But then the children of Elm Street began seeing him and meeting him in their dreams where he continued to kill them.
He killed them because he is a psychotic maniac.
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Freddy kills the children of Elm Street. Freddy was killed by a group of parents after being accused of molesting the children. The legal system failed the families and Freddy was set free so the parents took it upon themselves to exact revenge. They found him in the boiler room and set it on fire with him inside. Now Freddy seeks his own revenge on the children of Elm Street.
well, freddy was a child-killer who at first abused children.later the parents find out and they burned freddy alive in an abandoned he haunts the children of the parents who burned him alive that are now in high school(16 or 17) the reason that freddy kills kids in their dreams is bexause of him being burned. (don't fall asleep...)
He was a pedophile. Pedophile like to abuse children, sexually or with violence. Some people are just born pedophile. Others become pedophiles, because they were abused as children and they in turn abuse children as adult. There is no known cure for being a pedophile. Once a pedophile, always a pedophile according to the best known information.
Please note that Freddy Krueger is NOT a pedophile in any of the original movies. He is only a pedophile in the new remakes that started coming out this year (2010).
Freddy Krueger first came about in the 1984 movie A Nightmare On Elm Street. He has been a huge hit ever since and spawned numerous sequels, tv shows and video games.
I don't think so...but there might beone scene.
Which movie are you talking about because Freddy had multiple victims. Whether you're talking about the end of the first movie where a claw comes through the front door and takes the girls mom through or you're talking about Freddy vs Jason when in the dream when Freddy was clawing the mom's face off. Either way yes he probably killed the girl's mom.
Freddy killed children before becoming the dream demon we know him as. We don't know those childrens names though. The first female victim we see him take is Tina in the first Nightmare on Elm Street. She dies exactly 18 minutes into the film.
In the first entry of the A Nightmare on Elm Street film series, Freddy Krueger kills Rod Lane second, while he is in jail on suspicion for the murder of his girlfriend Tina, who was killed first by Krueger.
Freddy Krueger
Presumably, the same time as the first movie; 1984 :)
Freddy Krueger first came about in the 1984 movie A Nightmare On Elm Street. He has been a huge hit ever since and spawned numerous sequels, tv shows and video games.
I don't think so...but there might beone scene.
Which movie are you talking about because Freddy had multiple victims. Whether you're talking about the end of the first movie where a claw comes through the front door and takes the girls mom through or you're talking about Freddy vs Jason when in the dream when Freddy was clawing the mom's face off. Either way yes he probably killed the girl's mom.
Freddy killed children before becoming the dream demon we know him as. We don't know those childrens names though. The first female victim we see him take is Tina in the first Nightmare on Elm Street. She dies exactly 18 minutes into the film.
In the first entry of the A Nightmare on Elm Street film series, Freddy Krueger kills Rod Lane second, while he is in jail on suspicion for the murder of his girlfriend Tina, who was killed first by Krueger.
Yes, In the 2010 remake, three little girls jump-roping sang the song "Freddy's coming for you" which starts with them saying: 1-2 Freddy's coming after you..."
It is in fact the first time that anybody played Freddy other than Robert Englund. This was met with plenty of criticism but Robert gave his blessing and felt that Jackie Earle Haley did a great job portraying Freddy.
Freddy Kruger was a child murderer who had gotten off on a technicality ("somebody forgot to sign a search warrant in the right place" as Nancy's mom says in the original Nightmare on Elm Street). So a mob of angry parents burned him alive in his boiler room hideout, out of revenge, and (ironically) also to keep him from killing any more kids.
It would be Freddy because all Jason has is a chain saw nothing else.Freedy would also win because he could kill Jason in his dreams if you ask me I think Freddy Noone would win. Plus in order for Jason to be in Freddys dreams Jason actually has to be afraid of freddy first. Which won't happen. their both immortal. BTW Jason has a Machete not a chainsaw.
Freddy Krueger was killed by the parents of the children of Springwood because he was truthfully the murderer and kidnapper of the missing children of Springwood.He died again in "Freddy's Dead: The final nightmare" this time killed by maggie. But he's not really dead (again). He had killed billions of kids in elm street already after he kidnapped them and the parents got mad and they stormed his house and threw a whole bunch of things on fire through the windows and caught his house on fire at night when he was sleeping. which he then ran out to his hiding place, got chased and was thrown into the furnace there and burned alive. the next morning he was dead in the furnace and none of the parents got put in jail so he came back but this time even stronger then he discovered his burns on his skin and he got up and sewed a glove to his hand and sewed five knives with extremely sharp blades to his gloves and grabbed a top hat and left to dream world where He could kill kids without any problems and he did and became master of the dream world