This 2001 French film starred Audrey Tautou and Mathieu Kassovitz.
One of the people who starred in the 2003 movie Goodbye Lenin is the actor Daniel Bruhl. Another person who starred in the movie is Chulpan Khamatova.
This 1988 movie starred Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown and Elisabeth Shue.
This 2007 movie starred Sandra Bullock, Julian McMahon and Amber Valletta.
There are many websites online that someone can purchase a DVD of the movie Amelie Poulian. Several of these sites include Amazon, eBargain Cool, and Barnes & Noble.
This 1999 movie starred Robert De Niro, Billy Crystal and Lisa Kudrow.
Do you mean the French movie 'Amelie'? It starred Audrey Tatou and was the start of her career in movies...
The French movie Amelie has these following actors among others: Audrey Tatou, Rufus, and Matthieu Kassovitz. It is a 2001 romantic comedy directed by Jean-Pierre Jeanut.
Audrey Tautou .
The director of the French movie, "Amelie" is Jean-Pierre Jeunet.
Audrey Tautou is Amelie in the wonderful 2001 French movie.
For information regarding the 2001 film "Amelie" you can go to or refer to the related link below for information .
a gardengnome!
Amelie Poulain.
Angelina Jolie starred in the 2008 movie Changeling. The 1980 movie The Changeling starred George C. Scott.
The main person who starred in the movie Escalation and is listed first in the credits is Lino Capolicchio. Another person who starred in the movie is Claudine Auger.
Some of the people who starred in the movie The Vanguard are Randy Wayne and Shiv Grewal Jamal. Another person who starred the movie is Christopher Hatherall Biosyn.
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