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Frodo went with Bilbo, Gandalf, the Ring-Bearers and the elves to the Grey Havens (the Undying Lands), across the sea. There he will be free of the pain he had to endure in Middle Earth as a result of his carrying The Ring. Unfortunately, it was a one-way journey. In other words, he never came back to the Shire.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

He passed over the sea and went West to the Undying Lands. Frodo, along with Bilbo boarded the white elven ship at the last Elven port of Middle-earth: the Grey Havens of Mithlond, dominion of Círdan the Shipwright. It is believed that Sam, Legolas and even Gimli also eventually went to the Undying Lands. And the ship went out into the High Sea and passed on into the West, until at last on a night of rain Frodo smelled a sweet fragrance on the air and heard the sound of singing that came over the water. And then it seemed to him that as in his dream in the house of Bombadil, the grey rain-curtain turned all to silver glass and was rolled back, and he beheld white shores and beyond them a far green country under a swift sunrise.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

To the place in the heavens where you never grow older, not neverland.

Bilbo and the others go over the sea to Aman, the land of the Valar (think minor gods or angels). The mortals in the group (Bilbo, Frodo, later Sam and Gimli) do not become immortal which is a common misconception, but will still die. It is not an equivalent of heaven or a spiritual realm or a kind of life-after-death paradise for the dead of Middle-earth, but a 'normal' land. Upon death, Elven and Dwarven souls go to the Halls of Mandos (with is a place in Aman), while the souls of humans leave the physical world.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Frodo goes on a boat with the elves and Bilbo to sail back to the Undying Lands, the elves' original home.
He sailed over the sea to the Undying Lands, with Gandalf, Bilbo, and the last of the elves.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

To the Grey Havens, a port, from which he would go to Valinor. Valinor is the dwelling place of the Valar. The Valar are kind of like gods, the spiritual Powers of Arda (the world, which includes Middle-Earth).

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Though the One Ring had been destroyed, the burden of carrying it still left heavy scars on his mind. There were also physical scars that still caused him pain, such as the one from the Morgul Blade, and Shelob's bite. The offer for him to go to the blessed land with the elves, was a reward for his bravery, but also a place for him to heal and rest in peace.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

He sailed over the sea to the Undying Lands, with Gandalf, Bilbo, and the last of the elves.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Bilbo was hired by Thorin and his party of dwarves. They went to the Lonely Mountain. There Bilbo helped them retrieve their treasure from the dragon Smaug.

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Q: Where does Frodo go at the end of 'The Lord of the Rings'?
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What happens to Frodo in the last film of Lord of the Rings?

He leaves with the other Ring Bearers to go to the Undying Lands (Valinor)

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Bilbo's mother was named Belladonna Took.

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Also, Frodo and Bilbo have both carried the ring a fair distance and the stain it left upon them made it impossible for them to remain in Middle Earth. Remember the Elves and Gandalf (the beings who wield magic) leave. Man and hobbit (those with mundane power) remain. Bilbo and Frodo have some measure of the ring's power left in them and so they too must go. It's sad, especially for Sam and Frodo. But, in the movie look carefully at Bilbo's face as he boards the boat. He is smiling and excited because he realizes it's the start of another adventure! And in the Appendices to The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien theorizes that Sam too went to the West, long after his Rosie has passed away.

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Frodo is Bilbo's nephew and heir. frodo- son of drogo. his parents was dead when he was young, so he lived with bilbo baggins - who already went his journey. but when the ring go to frodo, he might have go to mordor and destroyed it. he go with samwise gamgee.

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back to hobbitton, at the green dragon where Sam asked Rosie to marry him!

What was the point of The Lord of the Rings?

In The Hobbit when Bilbo Baggin's finds the one ring, he did not know its full power and thought it was just a way for him to sneak around unnoticed once he had noticed it can turn him invisible, when Gollum (smeagul) was trying to find him. Then The Lord Of The Rings came out and the point of it was that Bilbo had left the ring to Frodo, but was unwilling to let it go and took some convincing, then Gandalf made Frodo hide it out of site until he knew more, when Gandalf realizes it was the one ring he went back to the shire to meet with Frodo and told him to head to Bree where they meet strider, who takes them to Rivendell (home of the Elves, and refuge) there they had a council about the ring of power, and that is when Frodo and his companions set out on the quest to destroy the ring.

How can you get a Lord of Rings CD?

The easiest way go about getting a Lord of the Rings CD, DVD, or soundtrack is to order it online.

Who told Aragorn to wait at the Inn for Frodo?

Aragorn came from Rivendell to wait for Frodo, and Lord Elrond give him instructions where to go. The Elves know what's happening because they have telepathic powers, or from the Palantir.

What are the songs that they put in Lord of the Rings?

The soundtrack is at the related link below. If it doesn't work, just go to and search The Lord of the Rings

What are the items given to Frodo by the elves in lord of the rings?

it is a phial with the light of eärendil in it. the most beloved star of the elves. "may it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out..." it helps him survive shelob. (the giant spider)

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Gandalf is played by Sir Ian McKellen, a British film and theater actor in all three Lord of the Rings films.Sir Ian McKellen played Gandalf in all three Lord of the Rings films.Ian_McKellen

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