UK musician Roy Wood is 71 years old (birthdate: November 8, 1946).
No. He is still alive.
Ronnie Wood plays bass guitar and guitar.
Ronnie Rembrandt
Founding member Brian Jones died in 1969. The remaining members (Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Bill Wyman, Charlie Watts, and Ronnie Wood are all still alive.) Former member Mick Taylor is still alive too.
No, they are not related.
No. He is still alive.
Yes and he's almost 70 years old.
dont think he croaked it yet mate
No Elijah Wood is still alive
The English actor John Wood is still alive, is 81 years old, and lives somewhere in England.
Ronnie Wood plays bass guitar and guitar.
Ronnie Milsap was born on January 16, 1943
Yes Ronald Defeo Jr Aka Butch Defeo is alive and well. He is still in prison for the 1974 murders. He resides at Greenhaven State Prison.
Ronnie Hawkins was born on January 10, 1935.
Ronnie Rembrandt