Selena Gomez lived in Dallas, TX in America. Selena Gomez lived in Grand Prarie, TX in America. These are all possible places Selena Gomez lived at in Texas.
Selena Gomez was born in Grand Prarie, Texas on July 22, 1992
It's Selena Gomez and she was born July 22 1992
Selena Gomez lives in California on the west Sidby sam
no she was bron in Dallas texas. Which means that she is American
no selena and nicki minaj are my neighbors
Selena Gomez IS originally from Texas but NOW lives in California. It is true.
in dallas Texas
Grand Prairie, Texas
Grand Prairie, Texas
sometimes she visites him in i think TEXAS
Not currently (2011), She lives in Los Angelas in California.Selena Gomez lived in Dallas, TX in America. Selena Gomez lived in Grand Prarie, TX in America. These are all possible locations Selena Gomez lived in Texas.
she is from Texas. Selena Gomez was born in little prarie Texas
Selena Gomez's family is from Texas, Selena was born in Grand Prairie Texas. But, Selena Gomez is Mexican (Hispanic) and Italian
Selena Gomez Lives in Texas
Selena Gomez was born in Grand Prairie, Texas.
Grand Prairie, Texas
No, Selena Gomez was born in Grand Prairie, Texas.