August 10th 2011was the date it originally came out.. In the UK
Louis Tomlinson of One Direction said as a joke the other boys can not wear stripes. :) If thats what you meant.
Actually you cant be certain how many One Direction fans or Directioners are out there, as people can change their minds, lose interest, etc. but on twitter they have 5,585,851+ followers so maybe thats roughly or near how many fans they have but im sure there are plenty more who dont have twitter accounts or dont follow them for any reason :)
well most of us gamers call it demo-man but thats not the real name*. *I don't think there is a particular name for it anyway so make up your own as long as it makes sense
Thats my name/
Not me, thats' for sure.
because 'thats what makes him beautiful'.
You mean What Makes You Beautiful?? Thats the name of their first song ever!! and it a single!!
the answer is it makes beautiful heheehe thats all
Soap, Shampoo, Shower, Bathtub, Mirror, Hair Dryer, (and other things that makes you beautiful...) well thats my answer ^_^ by: Marielle Marbella
it is not automatic that when a girl is beautiful, she will have a boyfriend. So, if she is waiting (hopefully thats what you mean) then thats just how things are happening around her.
Take care of yourself such as your face thats how people are beautiful naturally
Soap, Shampoo, Shower, Bathtub, Mirror, Hair Dryer, (and other things that makes you beautiful...) well thats my answer ^_^ by: Marielle Marbella
No, thats not their skype
no, thats one direction
a sticker bearing a name or direction is a label.
search it on the internet thats what i do
its abbreviated 1D if thats what you meann..hhaha other wise its One Direction or one direction, doesnt matter.