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After Bilbo shut the door on Gandalf, the wizard scratched some runes on the door. It was an indication that a burglar or treasure hunter lived there. Once Gandalf came for the unexpected party, he removed the mark.

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14y ago
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12y ago

It's a sign that means the person who dwells there is a Burglar, a professional treasure hunter. Gandalf put it there to help manipulate the dwarves into taking Bilbo on the quest. Gloin says that the symbol means, "...there is a mark on the door - the usual one in the trade, or used to be. 'Burglar wants a good job, plenty of Excitement and reasonable Reward,' that's how it's usually read."

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11y ago

To deceive Thorin and the other dwarves into thinking that Bilbo was a professional burglar (and was advertising as such), so that they would take him along on their adventure.

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13y ago

That there is a burglar in residence looking for work.

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15y ago

He places a couple of runes. They can be seen in one of Tolkien's illustrations. They basically say that a burglar is looking for work.

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Luke Rush

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3y ago

i dont even know

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Q: What does the queer sign Gandalf scratches on Bilbo's door indicate to the dwarves?
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What indications are there that the dwarves do or do not care about Bilbos well being?

Bilbo is the burglar of the group, and it is his job to go and investigate the scene.In regards to the central themes: heroism, wisdom and nobility we can add the complexities of a noble thief: is this an oxymoron? And in terms of heroes it is ironic that the dwarves were sacked after rather timidly relegating the dirty-work to Bilbo. Do not expect this to change. As far as character-development goes, Bilbo is the central focus. He is growing into Gandalf's glowing pronouncement and the dwarves are‹for now, at least‹being themselves.

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How do you know its Bilbos birthday?

Bilbo's birthday is documented in The Lord of the Rings and in the appendices. It is September 22nd.

What is bilbos only comfort as he starts the journey in the borrowed cloak and hood?

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