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Its on the original Blade Soundtrack. Track 12. Track Title: Confusion [Pump Panel Reconstrucion Mix] The original Artist is: New Order. The song has been re-mixed a lot. You can probably find "New Order - Confusion" on other mix compialations.

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13y ago

The original artist is "New Order", and the title of the song is "Confusion". The song playing during the rave scene in Blade is featured on the movie's soundtrack. It is listed as the "Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix", but the name of the DJ or DJs who mixed it are not given. If you want to search for the song on the internet, trying looking for:

New Order - Confusion (Pump Panel Reconstruction Mix)

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10y ago

What is the name of vampire dance club theme in the the movie blade

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Tao Of The Machine by BT The Roots

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