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read the book your own or buy it and read it. if you do'n

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12y ago
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11y ago

When Katniss and Peeta have to compete in the Quarter Quell. Also, when president Snow tells Katniss that if she makes a wrong decision, people will die.

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11y ago

catching fire is about the 75th Hunger Games and what happens... (Can't tell more otherwise I ruin the book)

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Q: What was the rising action climax falling action and resolution in the book Catching Fire?
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Does the resolution occur before or after the climax and falling action?

The resolution is generally after the falling action and climax.

What stage of plot follows the falling action?

The 'falling action' occurs immediately after the climax leading to the resolution or denouement.

What is resolution or falling action in a story?

The resolution or falling action in a story occurs after the climax. It normally provides an explanation for the climax. It provides closure.

Does the falling action or climax happen first?

the climax comes first then falling action followed by the resolution

What are the elements of plays?

Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution/Conclusion

What comes right after the climax of the story?

The falling action

What are the last two pieces of a plot?

The last two pieces of a plot are the falling action and the resolution. The falling action occurs after the climax and shows the consequences of the climax, leading towards the resolution where the main conflict is resolved and loose ends are tied up.

What was the expesition rising action climax falling action and resolution in the book Catching Fire the sequel to Hunger Game?

The exposition is in the beginning in when they are going through the hall showing off there costumes

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The climax is when she has to move back on the streets. The falling action is when she noticed who her real friends are. The resolution is she noticed what she did wrong, and fixed them.

Is falling action and resolution the same thing?

No, falling action and resolution are not the same thing. Falling action refers to the events that occur after the climax of a story, leading towards the resolution. The resolution is the point in the story where the conflict is resolved and loose ends are tied up.

What are the literary elements?

falling action, rising action, conflict, climax, setting, characters, resolution

What the stages of a plotline in their correct order?

Intro Rising Action Climax Falling action Resolution