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In the first four years of study at Hogwarts, final exams are taken at the end of the year. If you pass your exams then you move ahead to the next year. It is very very very rare for anyone to not pass their exams in their first four years.

In fifth year students take OWLs (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) How many OWLS you receive affects your career and which classes you take at the NEWT level.

Grades and what they are equivalent to in US muggle school:

Pass Grades;

  • Outstanding = A = 90%+
  • Exceeds Expectations = B = 80%+
  • Acceptable = C = 70%+

Fail Grades;

  • Poor = D = 60%+
  • Dreadful = F = >60%
  • Troll = F = 0%?

I don't know what they would be equivalent to in the British school system, I tried to look it up but was confused, how can you only get 50% but still pass?

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In your OWLs (fifth year) and NEWTs (seventh year), you get graded:


T = Troll (the worst) - like an F

D = Dreadful - like an E

P = Poor - like a D


A = Acceptable - like a C

E = Exceeds Expectations - like a B

O = Outstanding (the best) - like an A

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O - Outstanding

E - Excellent

A - Average

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a b c d f

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Q: What is the grading system at Hogwarts?
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